Everything about Hacktoberfest 2022 and Open Source

Everything about Hacktoberfest 2022 and Open Source

Get ready to earn Hacktoberfest T-shirt and some cool swags!!

What is Open Source?

According to Open Source, The term Open Source refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.

In layman terms, Open source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance.

The authors of Open Source Software make their source code available to others who would like to view that code, copy it, learn from it, alter it, or share it. LibraOffice and GNU Image Manipulation Program are examples of open source software. As they do with proprietary software, users must accept the terms of a license when they use open source software—but the legal terms of open source licenses differ dramatically from those of proprietary licenses.

In general, this license grant the users permission to use the respective software and even modify it, according to their need and will. Moreover, this license also states that if any user alters and shares a program with others must also share that program's source code without charging any license fee for it as well.

This system promote collaboration and sharing because they permit other people to modify the source code and incorporate those changes into their own projects without charging any fee for it.


What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is a month-long, community wide celebration of open source software. It is Digital Ocean's annual event that encourages people to contribute to open source throughout October. It is run by Digital Ocean alongside partners like appwrite, docker, novu, RapidAPI and devtron.

Hacktoberfest is all about giving back to these projects, sharpening skills, and celebrating all things open source, especially the people that make open source so special.

For the past 9 years, thousands of people-coders and non-coders alike-have participated in hacktoberfest to support the projects they use and love, learn and practice skills that will enhance their careers, and meet new people who love open source as much as they do.

How do I register for Hacktoberfest?

You can sign up anytime between September 26 and October 31. The sooner you sign up, the more time you have to make your pull requests!

You need to register on Hacktoberfest using either your GitHub account or GitLab account. Then you need to make at least 4 pull requests before the end of october to be considered for rewards.

Rules of Hacktoberfest

  1. To be considered for rewards, you have to make at least 4 pull requests in hacktoberfest-accepted repositories hosted on either GitHub or GitLab.

  2. Project Maintainers must accept your pull/merge request for them to count toward your total.

  3. Have 4 pull/merge requests accepted between October 1 and October 31 to complete Hacktoberfest

  4. The first 40,000 participants (maintainers and contributors) who complete Hacktoberfest can elect to receive one of two prizes: a tree planted in their name, or the Hacktoberfest 2022 t-shirt.

How to make a pull request?

A pull request is a proposed code change that you submit to a branch in a repository on GitHub. The project maintainer will then review and discuss your changes. Pull requests are a way to formally contribute to a project without disrupting the workflow of others.

Platforms such as GitHub have a straightforward and convenient way to create pull requests:

  • Go over to the project repository on GitHub
  • Switch to the pull requests tab
  • Click on the ‘New pull request’ button on the top right
  • Select the appropriate base branch (the branch with which the other one is meant to be merged) and the branch you want to compare changes with

And that’s it! You’ve created your own pull request.

Common Questions about Pull Requests

Do multiple pull requests to the same repository count? - Yes!

Do issues/commits count for Hacktoberfest? - No, only pull requests are part of this challenge.

Does it count to make pull requests made on my own repositories? - Yes, but you are encourages you to contribute to other repositories as well.

Do pull requests have to be accepted/merged? - Pull requests must have been merged, approved, or labelled as hacktoberfest-accepted to count towards your goal.

How do I know if my PR went through? - Only PRs that are marked as “Ready for Review” will be reviewed. Draft pull requests do not count.

Do issues have to be tagged #Hacktoberfest? - No, they can be on any public repository to count.

Do other companies participate with Hacktoberfest? - Yes, other companies recognize Hacktoberfest and offer prizes for tracking progress. For example, Dev.to has a Hacktoberfest challenge.

Can I make contributions outside of GitHub?- No.

How do I check my progress?

To check your progress or status of your pull request, you need to log in to your profile on Hacktoberfest's Official Site and scroll below to check your progress.

If your pull request, then you will be able to see tag of ACCEPTED along with your pull request, similar to image shown below.


There is a 7 day review period of each pull request for each pull request after it has been merged by the maintainer. If your PR is not marked invalid during that window, it will contribute toward your goal. If your pull request is labeled as invalid, you will need to submit another eligible PR or resolve the issue the current PR.

Resources for Beginners

Intro to Open Source

Start Contributing

Sharper your skills


This brings us to the end of this blog. All the best to everyone who is participating in Hacktoberfest 2022. I hope I was able to provide some useful knowledge to all my readers. Now, go make your pull requests and get all those rewards or even better, get a tree planted in your name.

You can reach to my on Ikshul Dureja or using any of my social media links on the navbar in case of any doubt.

See you soon :)

Happy Learning and Happy Hacktoberfest!!

More about Hacktoberfest
